Paula Abdul, Before and After

By | April 27, 2022

Paula Abdul started her career as a member of a support group, and subsequently managed to grow to the status of one of the best choreographers in the world. For many years now, this talented woman has been a real global star.

How she looked in her youth and how has her appearance changed now?

Plastic surgery

Rumors of Paula Abdul’s frequent visits to plastic surgery clinics appear with enviable regularity.

Has Paula Abdul had a facelift?

Paula Abdul revealed the secrets of her beauty and unfading youth. So, firstly, she is injecting Botox, and secondly, she says that she is not going to resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

“Yes, indeed, I visited a beauty salon where I received several Botox injections. Now I plan to become a regular client of Botox injection professionals. But nothing more! No plastic surgery has been and will not be! I advise you to check this fact by looking behind my ears. I’ve never had plastic surgery. There is no surgeon who could refute my words,” says the celebrity.

Did Paula Abdul have boob job?

The star could not give up the temptation and had breast augmentation surgery. Mammoplasty led to the fact that a pit formed between the mammary glands.

Paula Abdul underwent several surgeries to change the shape of her breast. But numerous corrections only worsened the situation: breast implants moved apart, and the skin sagged heavily.

Paula Abdul is not discouraged and continues to wear dresses with cleavage. And still, you can’t look at the singer’s cleavage without tears: the implants are “hanging out” somewhere below, and the skin around is flabby and clearly “superfluous”.

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